
The Womb Portal

Symbolically the womb is a micro version of the universe...The womb is is vast, expansive and a holds infinite creative life force and is the void, the black hole from which creation is is the home that nurtures and grows the seed to be...

Taste of Love Tantra’s Book List

I know for me that having a book list on hand to refer to and also keep me on track holds the key many peaceful nights and also having a wealth of information at my fingertips. Not only do books allow us to escape but they also hold a place for us to express...

The Relationship Spectrum: Defined

As a 7 year cycle of exploring love – sex – relating from complete openness and curiosity comes to completion I would like to offer a funny yet informative article on some of the things I have come to learn: Love has mysterious ways it’s the greatest teacher of them...

Taste of Love Tantra Festival

Primary keywords: sex retreats australia Other keywords: sex retreat australia, couples sex retreat, tantric retreats for couples, intimacy retreats for couples  URL: Meta Description: Taste of Love Festival Retreat is one of the most...