

According to the Tantra, the Ultimate Reality is Chit, or Consciousness, which is identical with Sat, or Being, and with Ananda, or Bliss. This Ultimate Reality, Satchidananda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, is identical with the Reality preached in the Vedas....

Certificate of Sexological Bodywork

Learn more about the Certificate in Sexological Bodywork by attending the session run by Deej and Uma at the Taste of Love Festival in Byron Bay. We'll be hosting a session with both Deej and Uma on Saturday 20 Feb at 2:45PM on the topic of Sex Love and...

Conscious and Unconscious Love

" Without love you cannot get anything , because only with love you can merge with Existence . " BABA “ Unconscious love is centered on the OBJECT OF LOVE. Conscious love is CENTERED IN ONESELF, it is your lovingness. Unconscious love is always ADDRESSED To ONE...

What is Conscious Kink?

The BDSM and kink scenes already have a thriving culture of consent and self-awareness. I’m proud to be part of a culture that has such excellent peer education where elders guide newbies into healthy and hot practices. If this is already happening, then why take on...

Sex and Soul

Sexual Sovereignty is so much more than sex. Sexual sovereignty is the natural capacity we all have, both men and woman, to come alive to our divinity in our flesh. It is reclaiming our vibrant sexual nature from past pain, stories, guilt and shame and establishing a...