
Women fake orgasms because…

This article by Bonnie Bliss addresses the issue of expectation and orgasm diversity in women, how to expand the notion of what an orgasm is... and how to get there. She includes a list of her seven essential elements to Tantric foreplay.   Most women fake orgasms...

What is Queer Sexuality?

As we now making a concerted effort to be more inclusive in our approach to Love and Sexuality, it becomes important to start using language that is current and suitable for a diverse audience... and to educate all of us as to its proper usage. Here is an article that...

Healing Yoni Massage

Nothing grabs attention quite like an Orgasmic Massage, and for good reason. The healing benefits of Orgasmic Yoni Massage are profound, for both the giver and the receiver, and is an art that is worth cultivating by all. Read more about this in the following excerpt...

Prerequisites for Sex

I spend a fair bit of time reading articles on the net related to various topics, not least of all, sexuality and conscious sex. I've been reading stuff by Steve Pavlina for a while and I really dig his take on many things, and when I found this article (actually...

Great Love Within

May we all come to know the Great Love Within us, May we all be blessed with discovering our Inner Lover, May we all be blessed with sharing our Love with one another in each and every experience. ..... A man I Love, my lover and beloved, took a new woman to his bed....

Love is a Great Mystery

“Love is a great mystery. We start having a taste of what love is from our relationships, with our parents, then with our lovers and our children, with our friends. And one day, our love will become uncontainable and we will merge with all Existence. Be grateful to...