Rewilding Retreat

Oct 14 – 20




Rewilding Heart, Sex & Soul Retreat

Rewilding Heart, Sex & Soul – this week long training allows the participant to reconnect with the deepest part of themselves.

The training is facilitated by Marion Ellyard, who has been in the field of personal development for over 26 years. She is also a qualified counsellor, yoga teacher and body worker and has trained in many body based therapies, shamanism, energy work and and has a keen interest of ongoing study of cutting edge science of human behaviour, psychology, relating it back to the spiritual aspect of a person and crossing over the worlds of spirituality, anthropology and science in order to achieve more happiness and wholeness through her work for the participants..

The training as the word says, Rewilding, has to do with helping each individual find, and strip themselves of layers that are obstructing the naturally intended powerful energy and lifeforce flow in their bodies.

Rewilding Heart, Sex & Soul starts with the Heart which the facilitator feels is the meeting place that is the most important to live from and explore in a human incarnation.

We will go into the body, which is the seat of the soul, during a human lifespan, the translator and the mediator, and the inner guide, and the listening, for inner wisdom and direction is the mastery of listening to your own heart.

In many old traditions, such as Zen Buddhism, and American Indian Nature Religions the heart was referred to as the seat of the soul in the body.

So welcome to this extraordinary, powerful somatic embodiment training.

You will be given every opportunity to transform deeply to regain vitality, regain purpose, and make sense out of life again by reconnecting to your deep, individual authenticity within yourself, by feeling home in your body again after going through multiple, powerful processes. The aim is a unification of the 3 centres body, heart and soul which can be achieved gradually.


North NSW, Australia

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