Taste of Love Temple Night
Saturday, Jul 17, 7.30pm – Midnight, Byron Bay

Taste of Love Temple Night
Covid Safe practices, – Limited to 60 people
We are as always so excited to invite you into our wonderful temple space.
Program Conscious Sensuality Temple Night:
– A guided program of beautiful tantric processes and rituals, second half clothing optional, until 11pm then free hang out play until midnight.
– Touch & sensory awareness exercises around the wheel of consent
– sensory delights to share
– Soft beats
– a safe space where everyone participates and has ongoing support
– A free ecstatic play space from 11pm until midnight.
What to bring:
– water bottle
– sarong and towel
– massage oil
– a scrumptious lovingly prepared plate of finger food to share
– dress up SEXY
The focus on this night will really be gratitude for the wonderful conscious community we have here, our friends and cuddle buddies that touch our hearts along the way and release all this oxytocin to nurture us.
The temple ceremony was created for us so we can enter into a sacred space that is different to our ordinary everyday life experience. Through exercises, ritual, dance and connection we peel off the layers to get in touch with parts of our loving, free and ecstatic self in a safe container that we create together. The principles of the temple night are based on actual ancient temple celebrations many historic communities have created before us recognising the need and longing to be able to express our connection the divinity in a free, uninhibited way, expressing through our heart, body and soul the delicious life force also called ecstasy that flows through us and connects us with all things.
Coming into temple space is hence a from of prayer of love, of being seen without being judged, of loving freely because loving each other is our nature, of dancing wildly alone and with each other, of touching and making sounds or watching and feeling yourself on your own. All these expressions are welcomed as temple represents a space where we can re-explore being free without hurting anyone or getting hurt.
The Temple night is very playful, full of laughter, yumminess, delicious foods, ceremony, exercises, free play spaces and dance music.
We take care of ourselves and our existing relationships in a very committed way in the temple by practicing exercises around consent, confidentiality, sexual safety and teaching the arts of the free sovereign soul how this soul moves with respect and care and learns how to look after itself and others in the same way.
Becoming reconnected and having permission to freely self express in our spiritual sensual sexual selves can bring about greater joy, groundedness, freedom and sovereignty into our lives. A twinkle in our eyes that we carry with us in our heart and feel this love of belonging to the universe rather than wishing for it or observing it.
Couples, singles, people of any sexual orientation and relationship constellation welcome. (please discuss and assess your relationship agreements before you attend this event, professional guidance will also be available and given at the event itself)
Presenters/Hosts: Marion Ellyard
Dress for temple night: Be freshly showered and attire yourself in a way you feel you are the most honouring of yourself, this could be in sensual wear, erotic, fun, magical or simply smart, comfortable as you would dress going to a very special, exciting date with yourself that involves your body, touch and sensuality. Dress up: SEXY
Please arrive no later than 7.15pm as doors close sharp at 7.30pm for the Opening Ceremony. No entry is permitted after the agreement field has been created.
Please Respect all Guidelines before committing to this event:
– There may be opportunities to connect and explore with others, only do so if there is mutual consent.
– Before any exercise, agreements are made between practice partners re personal boundaries, dress code, STD’s, that need to be respected.
– This is a drug and alcohol free event.
– No cameras/video devices or photos permitted. We will have our own photographer and you will be asked if your photo can be taken only to be published for friends on the private events page after the party.
– Personal Hygiene is a must.
– You agree to take responsibility and to act with integrity and accountability in regards to your sexual connections, existing relationships or relationship agreements and to seek advice from a facilitator during the evening should you feel at any time uncomfortable with any of the exercises or interactions within the group.
Relationship boundaries agreements
If you are currently in a relationship/partnership we strongly recommend that you agree upon your relationship boundaries before arriving to the event, regardless of whether your partner is attending with you or not. These would include boundaries around intimacy, intimate touch, sexual engagement, safer sex practices etc. We support any relationship choices and healthy families encouraging transparency, open communication, synergy and safety.
Have a fun fun night, can’t wait to see your there and recreate another wholesome wonderful end of year community experience. Get your ticket early to avoid disappointment. Limited places available, door tickets only available if not sold out.
Pricing Taste of Love Temple Night:
Full Price Single: $70
EB Couple (av Jun 1st): $100
Full Price Couple: $120
Pricing Taste of Love Day Workshop:
Full Price Single: $200
EB Couple (av Jun 1st): $270
Full Price Couple: $350
Taste of Love Day Workshop & Temple Night:
Full Price Single: $245
EB Couple (av Jun 1st): $345
Full Price Couple: $475
Saturday, July 17th, 7.30pm – Midnight
Byron Bay TBA upon registration
Make Booking Now
Note: Your booking is confirmed once we receive payment.
Please read our refund policy and code of conduct before purchasing a ticket: https://tasteoflove.com.au/waiver/
We are looking forward meeting you!
(old tantric proverb)
Copyright taste of love 2020 | All Rights Reserved | Created by: Prayanadesign