Rewilding Heart, Sex & Soul Retreat




Rewilding Heart, Sex & Soul Retreat

Rewilding Heart, Sex & Soul – this week long training allows the participant to reconnect with the deepest part of themselves.

The training is facilitated by Marion Ellyard, who has been in the field of personal development for over 26 years. She is also a qualified counsellor and has trained in many somatic, body based psychosomatic therapies, and psychoanalysis.

The training as the word says, Rewilding, has to do with helping each individual find, and strip themselves of layers that are obstructing the naturally intended powerful energy and lifeforce flow in their bodies.

Rewilding Heart, Sex & Soul starts with the Heart which the facilitator feels is the meeting place that is the most important to live from and explore in a human incarnation.

We will go into the body, which is the seat of the soul, during a human lifespan, the translator and the mediator, and the inner guide, and the listening, for inner wisdom and direction is the mastery of listening to your own heart.

In many old traditions, such as Zen Buddhism, and American Indian Nature Religions the heart was referred to as the seat of the soul in the body.

So welcome to this extraordinary, powerful somatic embodiment training.

You will be given every opportunity to transform deeply to regain vitality, regain purpose, and make sense out of life again by reconnecting to your deep, individual authenticity within yourself, by feeling safe in your body again. After going through multiple, powerful processes. A unification of the 3 centres body, heart and soul can be achieved and allow you to fully arrive here.


The training is a 7 day process where each day builds upon the prior day.

The whole day is full with beautiful shared meals, morning, afternoon and evening sessions.

There is also ample time to integrate in the beautiful nature that surrounds the retreat centre to journal and do nature walks.

This training will take you through a series of the most core foundational processes that the facilitator has found have significant value and bring significant transformation once understood, and experienced to the individual.

There will be faculties such as somatic experiencing, trauma release work, voice dialoguing, constellations, deep exploration into the attachment trauma theory and the different attachment types, shamanic reclamation rituals, American Indian warrior rituals. Deep work and reawakening to your own deep listening to signs of nature and your intuition. Freeing the body of blockages blocking your lifeforce, and also sexual energies in the body. through reiki and core energetic body work. Working with voice, dance, movement, yoga and meditation, and experiencing a group organism and synergistic movement. and much more all aided by the use of music, and movement, and focus on deep breathing and deep body relaxation, we will specifically focus on working at a slow pace, at each individuals rate, to not overstep any part of the individuals nervous systems abilities, as the facilitator believes that when the foundations of the nervous system are re-established growth can happen much faster from there. and be a more direct way, with less detours, than if individuals rush through processes that their bodies are not ready for yet.


You will be able to regain a new felt sense of self, you will be able to trust your intuition, and to live from a more authentic place.

You will be able to move into kindness, slowness and forgiveness with yourself on your journey of expansion and growth, and also apply this same kindness and understanding to others,

You will be able to read your environment better, and the needs of your body, and hence make better decisions on what is good for you, is it time to rest, is it time to push yourself a little bit into your edges or is it time to slow down, reevaluate maybe study consciousness to give your mind some deeper understanding, if the body gets afraid of change, you will definitely reconnect to your sense of freedom, choice and heartfelt laugher. you will reconnect to friendship and its actual meaning deeper levels of intimacy, human connection, that charges our batteries, when we are together in vulnerability, and in reclamation, of the true unique essence that each of us holds, and has come here to share with other s but also to hold just within yourself, you will regain the ability enjoying to be by yourself, and meeting yourself, and holding your sub personalities and your vulnerability whilst also creating room for your powerful pieces and places so you can engage and act in the world and bring forth what you want to create, and what you came here for.


This training Marion Ellyard considers as a foundational training that will be excellent for every human person, to do in their lives, uncovering foundational pieces, about the human psyche, and learning about the language of the body and how it is constantly trying to talk to us, yet we fail to listen and to understand is one of the most rewarding processes for anyone to go through and once understood, and the gifts are received they will journey with you for the rest of your life.

This training is for singles, for couples, and for people of any gender orientation, and any sexual orientation as well.

Its a training of creating and opening, what the original vessel of the body, was intended for as the seat of your soul in this human incarnation and express yourself from the place that you wish to.

No previous prerequisites are required for this training.

In case of an event being cancelled due to natural disasters / pandemic, or events out of our control, the tickets purchased are non refundable. However the organiser will aim to do everything to set a new date for the same event to which your ticket purchase will be transferred to as a full credit.


1. Choose Your Ticket Option


2. Choose Your Accommodation Option


3. Make your Payment


4. Prepare to Transform!

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