Miroslav & Victoria

tantra festival presenters miroslav and victoria

Miroslav Petrovic 

Miroslav is a Speaker & Embodied Speaking Trainer and over the last 10 years Miroslav has been devoted to reconnecting people to their life force or eros.

He has presented across Australia and internationally, appeared across mainstream media, and delivered a Tedx talk on the importance of following the current of life.

His personal journey with sexuality began over 13 years ago with Tantra, and has since involved studying globally with the leading teachers of the tradition.

He recognised tantra was not just a path of sexuality, but that eros, or our desire for life extended into spirituality, business and anything we devote our time to. In his view our relationship to eros is one that guides not just our lovemaking, but our very relationships to life itself.

He is fascinated by how we can be more fully alive with everything we do, with our sexuality and beyond. He believes that being in connection with our own personal presence is the most important, dynamic relationship we have in life.

Victoria Redbard

Victoria is a speaker, facilitator, author and founder of the Self Pleasure Modality. She is the director of a board of Sexuality Leaders called Unified Vitality who are bringing Sexuality Development to the mainstream. She is also the founder of the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy a sexuality and business school for men and woman. Her work has transformed lives and continues to allow eros to be integrated into society.

Festival Presenters
Miroslav & Victoria

Dyadic relating creates a bond. That bond is one of the most creative forces on the planet. A potent spring board for all you want to create in the world. Whether that be a business, a family, or any creative project that is birthed out of your love.

For too long relationships have been about ‘making it work’. When we focus on fixing something we’re missing the dynamic alchemy that is constantly inviting us to meet the evolution of the love and where it’s taking us.

Dynamic Union is a pathway to ride the hurdles and challenges life throws at you and surf your way through the creative tension. 

Your love has upwelled to guide you, if you’re brave enough to dive into commitment the yield will be abundant. 

Let your union initiate you to your high potential.


FRIDAY @ 4:30-6:30pm
SUNDAY @ 10:30-12:30pm

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