Private Sessions

Marion’s counselling and events is all about embodiment. What does that actually mean? To live a fully empowered, fulfilled and loving human life we believe that all aspects of us need to be brought into alignment, into the light. Only when we can know and embrace our core patterns and beliefs we can fully let the life force stream through us and find our path and our purpose. All the work and events focus on these very things: self love – self knowledge – love of others – love and harmony of life itself. We leave no stone unturned, no shadow and wound un-embraced that has made us who we are, is what we want to explore to celebrate with ecstasy.

Book a Session

Session work is individually designed for you:
1. Make a booking
2. Complete your client info form.
Session content can be varied, it always starts with a sharing and deepening in what is going on for you in this moment in your life. Sessions may include anything from Breath Work, Energy Work, Demartini Method, Core Energetics, Guided Meditation, Joe Dispenza, Constellation Work, Voice Dialogue and Ceremonial Work.

Tantra Session


unfold and heal your sexuality through embodiment and exercises
(Women and couples Only)



  • Extended Session – 2.5 Hours
  • Full overview and assesment
  • Complete discretion

Counselling Session

For Singles in person or Skype Consult



  • 1.5 Hours
  • Body Based Somatic Psychotherapy
  • Complete discretion

Couples Consult


For Couples, in person or Skype Consult



  • Extended Session – 1.5 Hours
  • Full overview and assesment
  • Complete discretion


Marion Ellyard lives in Byron Bay as a passionate mother, meditator, presenter and counsellor. She is available for private and Skype sessions for singles and couples specialising in the areas of relationships, anxiety, trauma and sexuality.

Marion has been a meditator for over 20 years and is a yoga & meditation teacher. She facilitates her own workshops and is also the director of the Taste of Love Tantra Camp Out and has experience with over 8000 sessions as a bodyworker.

Recently she has completed facilitation trainings with John Demartini and Neo Reichian Body Work and works now primarily as a counsellor and conscious events organiser.

Sessions are catered for your needs but always involve an embodied experience, meaning taking in account your nervous system, your feelings and recreating a sense of safety and joy in oneself. Ultimately all paths lead to a place of greater wholeness which simply feels great.

“Dear Marion, Thank you for the session yesterday. I hoped to gain some direction to help me move forward in the issues in my marriage of 20 years and I believe we achieved this outcome. I openly discussed with my husband our conversation. I was able to talk about other options to moving forward, rather than just ‘we’re together but I’m suppressing some needs’ or ‘it’s over’. I am continuing to let it all sink in however am thankful to you for the confidence and therefore opportunity to open up a real discussion with him. There is ‘light’ and openness now to our space together.”


“Marion, I have had the privilege of working with you both in a group setting and as a private client. You are highly intuitive, extremely knowledgeable and lovingly empathic. I had the wonderful experience of breaking through some major blocks under your careful guidance and value your work very highly. Thank you so much!!”

Stephen Duff

“I arrived at a point where I felt stagnant in life and felt I needed help in moving forwards. I was nervous about attending the sessions but when I met Marion I immediately felt I was in a safe, loving, non-judmental space. The discoveries I have made about myself in only a short time have been incredible. I feel I am in exactly the right place to deepen my understanding and compassion, and grow in my own personal power. Thank you Marion for your support so far”


“I am so glad that I did a session with Marion, the bodywork was amazing and exactly what I needed at this point in time. I have had so much more energy since the session a few days ago. It was great to discuss my situation with Marion, as she gave me new perspectives that have helped me better understand myself. The best part, and probably the one I needed most, was the bodywork part where Marion helped me to get my (sexual) energy moving, and also to feel more grounded.”

Henrik Hillersotrm

“Hi Marion, I can feel other people again! I went to a workshop after our session and at the of the workshop I gave a lady a hug. I could feel me giving the hug and I could receive her hug back without feeling insecure. I was able to hold the energy in me. I now feel so much more connected to others and life, it’s blissful to the point of feeling drunk of it. Thank you, ”


“Marion has sincere integrity with her work combined with the ability to deeply see into one’s energy field for facilitating a profound change into a much more expanded truer version of ourselves. Men’s Tantric Session.”



How many sessions would I need?

It totally depends on you and the amount of work you need to do to get yourself to a place you feel happy with. For many people this can be from 3 to 8 sessions. Sometimes even just a single session can have amazing results.

What is your refund policy?

Once you make a booking, we require the full payment up front to hold your booking. If you need to cancel your booking prior to the appointment, we will refund you at 50% as long as we have 24 hours notice.

What happens in couple sessions?

These sessions are designed around whatever is the requirements for you as a couple. We will cover all those details in the initial consultation.

Is there a discount if I pre-purchase a number of sessions up front?

Yes, I can offer you a block of sessions at a discounted rate to be used within a set period. Please contact me for more information about this.

Do your couples sessions still work over Skype?

Yes, I can still work with couples over Skype. Obviously some of the options will be limited in terms of the healing and energetic work, but a surprising amount of treatment options are still totally effective via Skype, as long as the connection is good and we are not distracted by the technology itself.


Thank you for reaching out to me. These brief time slots are designed to get a better sense of each other and see where we want to go from there. They can be over phone, facetime or skype. Please fill out the contact form below and please include a small amount of information about your interest and situation, your preferred contact details (skype, FB or phone number) and a few times or days when it’s easy for you to meet.
Thank you, looking forward hearing from you.

Copyright Taste of Love 2020 | All Rights Reserved