Nadia Nauss

2023 tantra festival presenter

Nadia Nauss is a Tantric Life Coach who specialises in creating mystical experiences through embodied practices from the Taoist Tantra as well as healing developmental trauma through Inner Child Work and Aspecting with Archetypes. 

Born in Hong Kong and raised in the US, Nadia has practiced sacred sexuality since 2011 and is a certified Practitioner of Tantra and Chinese An Mo Tantric Massage with the Sanctuary of Ananda.

She has also trained in Lomi Lomi massage on the Big Island of Hawaii with Harry Uhane Jim as well as with other Heartworks/Kahuna teachers. Nadia is a former US Navy officer, a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and a Senior Yoga Teacher and Woke Yoga Academy faculty member with 1000+ hours in trauma-informed yoga training. 

She leverages her own lived experience and deep understanding of the human psyche, soma, and kundalini life force energy to empower people from all walks of life with tried-and-true self-actualization and healing practices.  

Festival Presenter
Nadia Nauss


Discover how to have spontaneous, multiple and full-body orgasms and how to harness this energy to manifest your heart’s desires! Together we will learn the 5 steps to creating the life you love to live, one orgasm at a time, which include:

– Conscious Manifestation journaling practice

– Sensory Synaesthesia

– Mantra Meditation

– Taoist tantric breathwork

– Full-body pleasuring of self or other

You are welcome to participate in this workshop solo, as a couple, or as a polycule/small group.

By the end of the workshop you will know yourself to be a microcosm of pure potentiality and the Source of your own happiness through the sensory-emotional experience you consciously cultivate. And you will find the balance between the yin of non-attachment and the yang of taking effective action toward making your dreams a reality.


Learn powerful Taoist Tantric massage techniques to create waves of multiple and full-body energetic orgasms that can activate kundalini shakti life force energy. This can enable you to merge with Universal Consciousness and align with your dharma (life purpose) from moment to moment.

Learn the 5 elements for creating a mystical experience through tantric massage which include:
– Intention Setting & Mantra Meditation for Kundalini Activation
– Taoist breathwork for energy circulation to hack the flowstate
– Energetic Transmission of full-body Taoist Tantric massage techniques
– Embody the Yin: The Art of Gracious Receiving
– Embody the Yang: Energetic Penetration 

Transcend the fixation on the genitals by activating the entire body as a pleasure organ, thereby promoting full-body orgasm as well as the release of emotional blocks to gain divine insight. Subvert gender roles and ideas of “active giving vs passive receiving” through embodiment practices to experience Divine Union in self as the balance between yin and yang.


FRIDAY @ 4:30-6:30pm
SATURDAY @ 2-4pm

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