Leyolah Antara

Leyolah Antara is an author, guide and lineage keeper of the Ancient Tantric Alchemical Healing Arts. She has created Kundalini Dance, an Embodied Alchemical Healing Practice and has been teaching and training others to teach over the past 30 years. She has trained over 200 facilitators worldwide.
Leyolah has created a vast body of work which she shares through her school, The Tantric Rose Mystery School where she offers Priestess Initiation Training Programmes and retreats and workshops in Sacred Sexuality, Compassionate Relating, Emotional Alchemy, Sacred Union, Egyptian High Tantric Alchemy and Shamanic Healing Arts.
Leyolah has a gift to activate the Shakti in both men and women so that they can experience more radical aliveness and ecstatic life force flowing through their body. She offers practical embodied practices to use in your everyday life, both to heighten your intimate life and live in higher states of consciousness and connection with your soul.
Festival Presenters
Leyolah Antara
Kundalini Dance – Emotional Alchemy
A Tantric Dance Journey for deepening intimacy and dissolving barriers to soulful connection. Receive keys to develop your emotional intelligence to transform challenges and triggers into an opportunity for spiritual growth and erotic aliveness.
The rite of the Holy Grail is an essential preparation for sacred union and the ultimate rite of the High Alchemical Tantra.
When both a couple, prior to love making, have activated the sacred pathway of the twin dragons within, cleared their chakras and have a balanced connection between the divine masculine and the divine feminine within, they become conduits for heaven and earth.
In our, two hour session I will offer a teaching and an initiatory practice, for you to have a deeper understanding and embodiment of the Grail Rites that were given by the Rose Grail Priestesses, The Magdalenes, before the Roman Empire outlawed the rite, in their ultimate quest for power and mass control.
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